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Baghera's Castle is a fortification built by herself and Pomme in a snow-covered biome on the outskirts of other residential areas.

The building, which is still under construction, consists of a main tower placed on the top of a mountain, walls and additional towers circling a village, and a garden. The blocks that make up the structure are mainly vanilla blocks, so that Baghera can reinforce them once the project is finished.

Inside the Castle, BagheraJones has a safe room that is Reinforced by her and is only accessible via Waystone. Her EnderPearl stasis chamber is also in this room.


The castle first started as a single tower,  Baghera intending it to be a safe place to where she could retreat during the election times, far enough from the main spawn for it to stay secret. Its location was also chosen for its snowy looks, the magnificient view it offers on the surrounding area, and the nightsky filled with aurora borealis.

However as time went by, and the elections kept being draggued further in time, Baghera kept adding to the initial build, such as a village, walls, bridges and additional towers, ending up forming a whole fully fledged castle.

Baghera eventually jumped off the main tower of her castle to withdraw from the elections, challenging the Federation, as she felt the whole presidency act was nothing but a game that served to divide the islanders, a game she did not want to be a part of anymore. She was then more enclined to show her castle to the other players, which has lost some of its secretive purpose.

To this day, Baghera is not done working on her castle, which keeps expanding. She often does that with Pomme, and she has tasked both her and Tallulah to help make a flowery garden nearby. She has also built a room for Cucurucho in an atempt to know more about them and foster a relatively cordial relation.


