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Felps' Square, also known as the Giant Square, is a large development project that started on June 13, 2023, where Felps is demolishing an entire place on Quesadilla Island to flatten it out and make his home.

The project is meant to be slow, so he doesn't use any kind of resources to make it easier other than just breaking it with his diamond pickaxe.


Day 84
VOD(s): Twitch.Icon Twitch / Youtube.Icon Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
June 13th, 2023

Felps returned days after the Festa Junina and planned to create a huge place to build his house. First he broke the edges to let people know how far the place will go, being close to The Wall and Cellbit's Castle, and then he started to break his square with Richarlyson.
Day 110
VOD(s): Youtube.Icon Youtube
July 9th, 2023

On July 9, 2023, Philza, Baghera Jones, Forever and Fit logged into Quackity's account on their last day at TwitchCon and appeared on Felps ' Square. They came across Cucurucho and place and then came up with the idea of putting a Bedrock hidden in the square for Felps to find suddenly. Philza managed to convince Cucurucho and he gave him a bedrock so that he could complete their plan.
Day 113
VOD(s): Twitch.Icon Twitch / Youtube.Icon Youtube
July 12th, 2023

Felps returns after a long time, as he was looking for new clothes that would serve for his job of digging his giant square, but ended up getting lost in the middle of the way.
Day 133
VOD(s): Twitch.Icon Twitch / Youtube.Icon Youtube
August 2nd, 2023

Felps had disappeared again, this time because he had overslept, but he returned to continue breaking his square and seeing the news.
Day 138
VOD(s): Twitch.Icon Twitch / Youtube.Icon Part 1 - Part 2 (Felps' POV)
August 7th, 2023

Felps continues to break his square and finally found the Bedrock placed on Day 110. He said that he already knew there was a hidden bedrock, he just didn't know where it was.
Day 140
VOD(s): Youtube.Icon Youtube (Philza's POV)
August 9th, 2023

On that day, the giant square of Felps was used as a location to do one of the daily Egg Quests. The quest was "Leave a motivational message on the giant Square. (x:3224 z:1516)" (coordinates of the Bedrock location placed on Day 110).

Chayanne put up several signs motivating Felps in "No Pain No Gain" style; Ramón and Fit placed a large text made of TNT that can be seen on the minimap that says "Hello Word", in addition to having placed a sign next to it that says "Hope this helps!".

Richarlyson made a pixel art of a black heart with cyan edges and Cellbit left a Bedrock named " '-' " (iconic emote that Felps loves to use) inside a giftbox with a brown sign written "GO FELPS!!!!".


  • On Day 140, Felps' Square was used as a location for one of the daily Egg Quests. The quest was to leave a motivational message on the square.
  • Felps is known to break huge things just for fun, like one time when he several hours destroying a huge mountain with his friend MeiaUm. Felps probably didn't have any plan to do in the square when he finish it.
  • Felps gave Felps Square to date Tubhole, TinaKitten describes it as "enemies to lovers".
  • Felps Square has a song!



