
Natural Disasters is a mod existant in the two editions of the Purgatory Event. It consists of a list of events that can be played at any moment during the time at which the server is open.

While a disaster is occuring, players who leave the server, receive a penalty on their remaining time.

List of Disasters[]

Dehydration animation
Icon Information Item
PD Dehydration.Icon

"You'll feel thirsty over time, so remembering to bring Glass Bottles and constantly drinking water will be extremely important in this place."

  • The first time the Dehydration disaster appeared, it's effects were the permanent introduction of the PD DehydrationFX thirst gameplay element.
Burning sun animation
Burning Sun
Icon Information Item
PD BurningSun.Icon
"The sun suddenly feels much hotter, protect yourself. N/A
Earthquake animation
Icon Information Item
PD Earthquake.Icon

"Exposure to two shockwaves causes 30 minutes of nausea, but placing blocks on your head briefly protects you."

"Tea is the only cure for post-earthquake nausea."

  • During the first week, being exposed to the waves of the Earthquake disaster would cause the player to get the EQNausea.SpriteEarthQuake Nausea Debuff. This debuff can have multiple levels depending on the intensity.
  • Earthquake Nausea causes the player to frequently get affected by Nausea.
  • Earthquake Nausea can only be removed by using a very specific type of Tea.SpriteTea that can be bought at the store with Bings.
  • The Earthquake disaster can cause rubble to fall from the ceiling.
  • During the week two, the Earthquake disaster effects were seemingly changed. The earthquake would manifest through various shockwaves, increased damage from falling debries and a lot more damage to underground structures. Yet, it seemed like Earthquake Nausea had been removed.
Hunger animation
Icon Information Item
PD Hunger.Icon
"Players get hungrier faster, and hungry animals become aggressive, attacking players and crops. Mobs lso become more dangerous and quicker." N/A
Inventory shuffle animation
Inventory Shuffle
Icon Information Item
PD InventoryShuffle.Icon
"Inventory items swap places. In a 2x2 zone with another player, items switch every 10 seconds. Avoid enemies!" N/A
Meteor animation
Icon Information Item
PD Meteor.Icon
"A giant meteor breaks into the atmosphere, creating debris that mercilessly impacts the earth, destroying and setting everything in its surroundings on fire." N/A
Quicksand animation
Quick Sand
Icon Information Item
PD QuickSand.Icon

"To avoid quicksand constantly forming, one should stay in motion. If trapped, one must press the space bar repeatedly to escape. Placing blocks can provide temporary relief from sinking."

"Tactic boots offer immunity to quicksand."

Radioactive soil animation
Radioactive Storm
Icon Information Item
PD RadioactiveStorm.Icon

"You feel a drop of rain, but it burns your skin and you start feeling the taste of metal." - Radioactive rain contaminates soil, stalling crop growth, and prolonged exposure causes 30 minutes of radioactivity, harming players and animals."

"Medicine is the only cure for radioactivity."

"Umbrella protects from acid rain."

  • Being exposed to the Radioactive Storm rain can cause the Radiation.SpriteRadiation Debuff. This debuff can harm mobs and players within a radius, contaminate soil, water and crops.
  • A Umbrella.SpriteUmbrella can be used to protect users from rain.
  • RadiationMedication.SpriteRadiation medicine can cure the players from the Radiation Debuff.
  • Toxic water can be acquired by contaminating water bottles. Drinking this water will cause the Intoxicated.SpriteIntoxication Debuff.
  • Intoxication will cause the thirst indicator to turn into PD IntoxicatedFXToxic Drops and the player to take damage over time similar to Poison.
Reverse controls animation
Reverse Controlls
Icon Information Item
PD ReverseControlls.Icon
"Keyboard keys get exchanged at random times while the disaster is on course." N/A
Snow storm animation
Snow Storm
Icon Information Item
PD SnowStorm.Icon

"Holding a torch or being near heat slows down damage, while exposure to a storm without protection leads to 30 minutes of hypothermia."

"A full snow armor gives immunity to damage."

"Campfire creates a small area of immunity to damage."

"Hot chocolate cures hypothermia."

  • Staying out in the cold can cause the Hypothermia.SpriteHypothermia debuff. During this debuff, all hearts turn into PD SnowStormFXFrozen Hearts
  • HotCocoa.SpriteHot chocolate is capable of curing hypothermia.
  • Holding a torch or being close to another heat source, can slow the damage of the Hypothermia debuff.
  • Equipping a complete set of SnowChestplate.SpriteSnow Armor gives the player full imunity to the effects of the disaster.
  • Placing a campfire will create a area of imunity around it. However, two campfire's can not be placed too close to one another.
Food spoil animation
Food Spoil
Icon Information Item
PD SpoiledFood.Icon

"Food will rot in 24 hours without proper storage."

"If inside a refrigerator, food can last up to 72 hours!"

"If inside the freezer, food will not rot"

  • The first time the Food Spoil disaster appeared, it's effects were the permanent introduction of the rotting gameplay element, allowing foods to spoil over time.
Toxic fog animation
Toxic Fog
Icon Information Item
PD ToxicFog.Icon
"A Toxic Fog slowly poisons individuals who don't wear masks."

"Craftable masks provide brief immunity."

"Industrial gas masks provide prolonged immunity."

Flood animation
Icon Information Item
PD Flood.Icon
"Caves flood with the nearest liquid! Lava and water are equally dangerous." N/A
Unlucky minerals animation
Unlucky Minerals
Icon Information Item
PD UnluckyMinerals.Icon
"There is a 50 percent chance of ores doubling, but mining stone may result in a unexpected surprise." N/A
Blood moon animation
Blood Moon
Icon Information Item
PD BloodMoon.Icon

"Enemies from the nether starts to spawn around the overworld surface. Be careful."


Mini you animation
Mini You
Icon Information Item
PD MiniYou.Icon
"Your body starts feeling lighter and smaller. Did everything else got big?" N/A
Inverted gravity animation
Inverted Gravity
Icon Information Item
PD InvertedGravity.Icon
"The gravity randomly changes during this event. Find a safe spot and be careful with fall damage." N/A

