
Project 13 is the code name for a plan that Cellbit and Forever created. After a couple of encounters with the Binary Code Entity, they realized that they needed a plan to allow the eggs to safely return to base whenever there's an attack.

The Project[]

After Dapper's death, Forever, Cellbit and BadBoyHalo went to Luzu's house to try and destroy Luzu's Super Computer. As they tried to find a way to cheat through Security Craft safety, Forever was hit by an explosion that exposed the computer, destroying some of the blocks.

Cucurucho, after seeing Forever picking those dropped items, tried to negotiate them back. After a back and fourth, Forever decided to try and bargain those blocks in exchange for a Protection 8 diamond chest plate for Richarlyson. QSMPCensusBureau replied that they would communicate this deal to the Federation and that they'd be in touch with Forever.

Upon returning to base, Cellbit told Forever that his deal wouldn't be enough since even if they gave the Protection 8 Diamond Chestplate to Richarlyson, The Code Entity could make a sword with a higher level of sharpness and one hit Richarlyson.

Forever then suggested a new plan. They would create a Ender Pearl Statis chamber that could recall Richarlyson back to their safe house. If they ever found themselves being attacked, they should type tttt or 13 in chat. After that, only one person would have to recall to base and shut the trapdoor, forcing Richarlyson back to base.

The First Statis Chambers[]

After completing their Ender Pearl Stasis Chamber, Forever and Cellbit decided to try and scale their plan up by introducing it to other members of the server. After presenting their plan to BadBoyHalo, he created the first Remote Ender Pearl Statis for Dapper in Dapper's new room.

Because Ender Pearls were also a rare resource, Forever and Richarlyson kidnapped some villagers in order to try and get a Ender Pearl trade from a cleric.

Projeto Ninho[]

Because of the updated in the rules from Ramón's removed death, players started discussing the possibility of a single safe house for all the eggs, built by all the parents and all the eggs.

On the May 19th 2023, Forever started building a house that could hold multiple Ender Pearl Stasis Chambers and host all the eggs. In this house they built a Remote Ender Pearl Statis and a Emergency Ender Pearl Statis Protocol that would recall all the eggs from the house at once in case things went horribly wrong.

This project evolved and became known as "Projeto Ninho".


  • The number 13 is a reference to Brazilian youtuber Viniccius13, wherein his main YouTube series, Em Busca da Casa Automática, he developed a machine to remotely teleport users to an underwater base, probably showing the concept to Forever, since the former participates in the series.
  • The project is also referred by "tttt", since it's the way to warn in the chat that The Code Entity is attacking.