The Qlobal Translator is a mechanic that utilizes real-time translation. This makes the QSMP the first ever multilingual Minecraft server that uses real time translation. The translator can translate a variety of languages by transcribing what players say in pixelated speech bubbles above the players' heads, as well as a chat box that players can have on their screen while playing. The Qlobal Translator is utilized by all members of the server, and it supports many languages, primarily English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, and Korean.
- The Translator likes to mess with the server members by suspiciously often translating random words to "gay" and other questionable words or sentences.
- One day, Pac and Mike were messing around with the Qlobal Translator when they had the idea to set it to translate Brazilian Portuguese to traditional Chinese. They found that, for some unknown reason, when you said "traduzir" (Translate), an image of a possible Jacksepticeye invite would appear in the Qlobal transcriptions box, and when you said "Spoiler" an image of the QSMP logo would appear.[1] This has nothing to do with the lore, though.
- ↑ The image that would appear.