Il est temps que le monde sache.
(It's time for the world to know)

Antoine Daniel

The Shit Palace is a monumental building made by Antoine Daniel in the South-East of France, and West of the Copacabana's Ocean. Mostly made of dirt, it is Antoine's main project on the QSMP server.

It's a rectangular building, featuring four tall dirt towers, connected to each other by glass bridges. Above it stands the Moon, a huge quartz sphere with a multicolor spinning ring. On the ground stand pools and gardens. Underground is hidden Antoine's secret base where he keep notes of some residents. The entire construction is surrounded by a huge pit leading into the "void", as what Antoine himself describes, with bridges above it on all 4 sides of the construction.

Notable Locations[]

Name (French) Name (English) Description
Les Tours de Merde The Shit Towers Four towers connected by glass bridges. They are made with dirt blocks, and have curved quartz and glass roofs. The towers are still a work in progress. A waystone stands in the north-west tower, as well as bamboo & flax plantations and workbenches. A bed lays in the south-west tower.
Les Jardins The Gardens Located between the Shit Towers. These gardens that can be walked on, due to a clear glass roof at floor level, and four big pools are placed between them. The gardens are populated by several animals. At the center, a big shining blue tree is placed, right under the Moon.
La Lune The Moon A 35 blocks diameter quartz sphere that floats above the Shit Palace. It has five circular windows (one on each side and one on the ceiling). A rainbow ring built by Antoine and moved by Aypierre is turning around. Several animals live inside the Moon, like Albert the bull and Pascalito the bison.
La Fin du Monde The End of the World Antoine's secret room, hidden underneath the Shit Palace, at the end of a long quartz hallway that can't be escaped without warping out. There, he writes in books his thoughts about some of the island residents. The walls are made of amethyst bricks, the ceiling is animated, and a background music plays inside the room (ANOTHER HIM - Deltarune). Pomme and Antoine are the only ones who have access to it, and he expressively asked Pomme to keep the room a secret between them, not intending to show it to anyone.

La Fin du Monde[]

This room is used frequently during the election period, where Antoine would keep notes on some of the island residents (mostly on the candidates) and displays them on the lecterns installed in this room. Antoine stated himself that he doesn't necessarily updates those books daily, and hasn't been doing so since before the elections, so most informations or thoughts he has on people might be outdated.


A true wily old fox. Doesn't run for presidency, but tries hard to beat others to be on top of boards to show how dangerous he could be if the future president doesn't serve his interests. Would rather be a shadow man, or a secret adviser. Happy to help in peaceful times, but is ready to put on restrictions to pressure on others, like we witnessed with Quartzland and the XP farm being closed when he considered running for president.

Antoine Daniel


A very interesting and rational person. Doesn't intend to be president but want to establish language represantatives. Practical if he wants to place Baghera for France and Forever for Brazil. Strong player, but his egg is even stronger.

Antoine Daniel


Absolutely wants to be president even if she says the contrary.

Is ideologically closer to Forever than BadBoyhalo although she doesn't claim it. Although her candidacy seems close to BBH's, she stays in the race. Why ? She pretends it's in case BBH or herself gets killed during the elections. This doesn't seems credible to me given the investment she herself puts in these elections. Baghera obviously hides informations. Why ? Why is it so important to conceal things to other island inhabitants ? Does she not trust them, Should we trust her ? Gives the impression she makes a favour each time she tells any bit of information outside of her close circle. (Forever, BBH, maybe others.)

A good person, but maybe not as good as she shows. Be cautious.

Antoine Daniel


Same problem as Forever, main character who takes the ownership of a lot of the things the brasilians did. His favourite thing was to hang out with Cucurucho. Is he the real Federation candidate ?

It is too obvious that Elquackity is corrupted, nobody in good conscience can vote for him. Elquackity is a distraction, a decoy. Way more dangerous than Forever. He express himself better, is more calm, is flustered less quickly. Knows way more than what he says, must not give him more power than what he already has.

Antoine Daniel


Probably one of the physically strongest players. Would like to be president, but is scared we would believe he'd kill everyone. Although it's his only chance of succeeding.

Knows the map by heart and can surprise at any moment. Not the type to hide things to people he trusts. More interested in the island than he seems.

A singular character, terrorizing those who poorly knows him and is aware of that, although is not the type to use that kind of threat.

Antoine Daniel


Agent of Chaos. Doesn't want to be president (another one) but puts a lot of effort into it.

One of the most surprising people on the island behind his falsely absurd and detached behavior. Always walks around with a magical banana.

Has a weird relationship with the capybaras.

Antoine Daniel


Probably the person who wants the most to become President of the island. He's really invested in the island's lore even if he doesn't share all of the informations he has and truncate them.

Close to BBH and Baghera. The three of them were acting really strangely but that behavior is dying down with the election (keeping informations to themselves, secret meetings). He doesn't seem to follow the same train of thoughts than BBH and Baghera. He wants to become president but act like those who "don't really want to be". Has a strange and clouded relationship with Cellbit. Builds a "safe space" near the Favelas. I think that it is mostly for him to use. People can attend meetings everywhere, why exclusively in a place planned by Forever himself ? Does a lot of research on the island and takes initiatives for the common good. Could be the best choice for president but power already corrupts him.
(26/06) NOTE :
I take back what I said when I said "Could be the best choice for president". He doesn't listen, transform it in a ego battle, his partner Cellbit confirmed it. Is ready to betray the people around him (BBH and Baghera) since a long time ago in order to obtain power.

Has trouble to take other people seriously. He has the providential man syndrom which he isn't.

Antoine Daniel


Extremely singular character. Possibly hides important things. Knows how to adapt to any conversation. I have huge doubts concerning this "Eiffel Tower" he built in his backyard. It doesn't look like it and I don't think he built it to troll the french.

The more I think about it the less sense it makes. I wouldn't have cared more if he didn't said that. His base is entirely built underground. Is building a huge metro going to Favelas.

Was abducted by the Federation. They put a whole computer in his ass. The latter was extracted. Has it been analysed ?

Antoine Daniel


Wants to be an insane dictator, seems more like a posture than anything else. Doesn't seem to believe that himself.

Is building a gigantic Hide and Seek court with his friend Pac. The duo seems more isolated than others to the rest of community.

A sense of timidity radiates from him. So his dictatorial speech seems to come from nowhere.

Antoine Daniel


[The book is empty]



Day 65 - The flattening

Terraforming d'Antoine, jour 65

The flattening seen through the map

After Antoine discovered the Shit Factory Aypierre has built for his project, he settled in a place not far from Aypierre's house. He decided to flatten a big rectangle area, using a shovel, a pickaxe and a lighter, because of the big amount of trees standing there. The ground being mostly dirt and sandstone, he already harvested a lot of dirt. However, lots of monsters attacked him during this period, but he could count on Baghera and Etoiles' help.

Day 67 - The four towers


a sketch drawn by Antoine at the beginning of his project

Antoine started to think about what he wanted to do. Aypierre visited him and exposed some concerns about the size of his land. He gave Antoine a workbench so that he could use way more types of dirt for his construct. After Aypierre left, Antoine drawed a sketch of what he had in mind : four 25*25*44 towers of dirt, linked between by bridges, and a circular thing on the center. Between the bridges would be canopies. The voices in his head expressed that it could look like either a castle, a prison, an hospital, or the Bibliothèque François Mitterand in Paris.

Code attacking Pomme

The binary code attacking Pomme in the midst of the Shit Towers.

While he kept getting attacked by monsters each night due to a lack of lightning at his place, Antoine started the edification of the north-west tower with dirt pillars. Then, Aypierre came back and gave Antoine a Wand of Symmetry, that enables him to build very quickly using mirrors. With it, he could build the walls of all the towers. However, he figured that he was wrong by a block with the south-west tower, and had to painfully correct it. He just finished to edificate the four towers when Pomme came to visit him with Aypierre. It was the first time she saw Antoine's project. Then, Pomme got attacked by Binary Code Entities, and Antoine left his construct to go to N.I.N.H.O. with the others.

Day 69 - The glass bridges

François Mitterand

The François Mitterand portait, that Aypierre stuck to Antoine's base at day 69

Freshly connected, Antoine discovered a huge photography of François Mitterand on a side of the north-west, placed there by Aypierre[1]. He also had to break a dirt bridge Foolish built above this tower.

This day, Antoine wanted to build the bridges to link the towers. But to make bridges, Antoine needs glass, and to make glass, Antoine needs sand. He met Forever who is well known for having tons of sand, and asked him for. Forever asked in response to access Aypierre's XP farm. They negociated hardly for a very long time[2], and Forever finally gave Antoine stacks of glass to build his bridges. Beside that, he also planted bamboos and flax in the north-east tower, to make scaffoldings.

Day 71 - Pomme's advices

Antoine did not build a lot this day : he only made glass fences on the bridges. He also noticed that the Mitterrand photo had been replaced by his old profile picture, making him look like a self-centered narcissist, what he's not of course. Finally, he had a long talk with Pomme about the palace, Pomme saying that he should add other colours than brown, and Antoine telling the central thing will be a sphere that won't be in dirt but in quartz.

Day 76 - The dirt corners

Once again, Antoine didn't do much. He worked on the towers' corners, adding few details with dirt pillars. He also talked about the Circles of Hell of Dirt... Dante ("C'est un peu... C'est les différents Cercles de l'Enfer de Dirt... de Dante !").

Day 81 - The Moon

La sphère d'Antoine au loin

The Moon at day 81

Do you want to see my Moon ?

Antoine Daniel

Aypierre showed Antoine his Quartz Farm in the Cucurucrous, so he could start to build the levitating sphere above his base : the Moon. This sphere has a diameter of 35, and Antoine build it in less that two hours thanks to the Wand of Symmetry. He placed windows on each face and the roof, that make the sphere look like an eye or even the Black Star from Star Wars. Inspired by Maximus' House, Antoine also asked Aypierre if it was possible to make it turn but the Moon is definitely too big to be movable. Antoine wanted to make something spin, so he would rather make a satellite or a ring around the Moon. Finally, he placed cave wines under the glass bridges to decorate and add some colours.

Day 83 - Albert

Antoine started to populate the Moon. He first brought a rabbit, that died of falling just before being named[3]. Then he met a bull with whom he rapidly befriended, named Albert.

Day 86 - The pools

Antoine set quartz pathes to walk between the towers of the Shit Palace, and planted a tree in the center. He started to dig inside the ground to make pools, and Pomme rapidely joined to help him. After they finished to dig, they looked for materials for the bottom of the pools, and decided to use cyan concrete from Pac & Mike's Concrete Farm in Chume Labs, plus glass and glowstone. During their work, they met Baghera and BadBoyHalo, and Quackity.

Day 88 - The gardens

Antoine and Pomme started to decorate the gardens of the north border of the Palace. They got interrupted a lot successively by Forever, BadBoyHalo and Baghera because of the elections, while Pomme did not care and just wanted to build with Antoine. It seems that this project has brought them closer together. After a few tries, they decided to make kind of underground gardens recovered by glass, with lots of flowers and grass. They also changed the central tree for a bigger one that makes light.

Day 90 - The Fin du Monde

La fin du monde

Antoine's Fin du Monde.

Antoine showed Pomme the secret passage he built offline in the future south garden. After they added cherry trees in the north gardens, they started the construction of Antoine's secret room, and discovered a geode while digging in the walls. Antoine decided to use the amethyst inside it as bricks and pillars for his room's walls. Its name is the Fin du Monde, meaning The End of the World.

Day 91 - The glass ring & roofs

Shit towers' roof plan

A curved roof plan designed by one of the voices in Antoine's head

The first thing Antoine did after connecting was to present a new friend to Albert : a wison named Pascalito. Right after, he built the Moon's ring with rainbow glass. Then, he started to decorate the south garden, and added steams in it. Pomme joined him at this moment, and they spent a moment together in the Moon. They tried to populate it with a hyena, a tortuga, a camel and a beep-beep to keep company with Albert and Pascalito, but it was a complete failure : the hyena attacked Antoine and the camel killed the beep-beep.

Antoine and Pomme then began to construction of the north-west tower's roof, that has been a pain to build because Antoine and Pomme had no idea of how to make them. The voices in Antoine's head have been decisive in finding a way to make it properly and sharing plans for the construction. Pomme finally discovered she has the power to hear Antoine's headvoices thanks to her Dragon Abilities. They began to build the glass ceiling, but they didn't finish it.

At the end, Antoine showed some updates in his secret room : he added portraits of several players (including Mike, Maximus, Baghera, Forever, BadBoyHalo, Etoiles, Foolish and Aypierre) and lecterns with a book in each one.

Day 93 - The Spin

Aypierre built a Create machine to make the Moon's ring spin. This machine is inside the sphere, and crosses the ceiling to connect to the ring.

Day 94 - The Night of the First Debate

QSMP Info Moon Shit Tower 2

A QSMP News article showing the Moon , the ring and the first finished ceiling (on the left)

Antoine discovered with joy that the Moon's ring was now spinning. After he installed cameras in Baghera's house, Chume Labs, Forever's Mega Base and Maximus' house, he considered to build a control room in his secret base. He showed new updates in his secret room, starting with the background music (ANOTHER HIM - Deltarune). He also added a magic ceiling, and lecterns for ElQuackity and Cellbit. Then, he continued the north-west tower's ceiling for a few time before the debate

After the debate and Maximus' Talk Show, Antoine finally finished the glass ceiling, and announced he would finish the three others before his next stream.

Day 97 - The Night of the Second Debate

Antoine finished the towers' roofs offline and showed it to Pomme, as well as the addings Antoine made last time in the Fin du Monde. They made some improvements inside of it, especially at the door. After a long and useless debate from Antoine's perspective, he came back to his secret room to update his thoughts about the candidates, especially Forever, Cellbit and ElQuackity.

Day 102 - The Arches of the South-East Tower

After he showed the new pools he built at the east and west borders of his palace, Antoine expressed his desire to start sculpting the towers. Also, he noticed that he did not see Pomme sinse they started to build the ceilings, and asked himself if she was avoiding him. Anyway, he decided to start his experiments with the south-east tower, which is the one he considered the least important back then.

After a visit at the Cucurucrous where he discovered the Shit Factory 2.0 and Concrete Land, Antoine met Baghera at the Shit Palace, and she said it was great. Antoine expressed his will to free himself from some contraints, starting with the use of dirt blocs.

Finally, he build on the 1st floor some arches about ten blocks high. Initially made with dirt and granite, Antoine finally opted for quartz. He spent a long time refining their shape, with the help of the voices in his head. There's three arches per wall, what makes twelve for the whole tower.

Jour 104 - The One who doesn't like secrets

The one who doesn't like secrets...

Baghera Jones

After she broke into the southern garden, Baghera discovered the entrance to the Fin du Monde. At the end of the corridor, she was blocked by the metallic door through which she could see images of the residents on the walls, including her. From then on, she set about looking for a way in, first by digging around the room hoping to find a loophole, then by using enderpearls, but none of her attempts worked. She received a strange visit from Cucurucho in the hallway, who gave her a book about the future debate, but seemingly unrelated to where they were. She failed to get into the Fin du Monde, and left a sign next to the door.

Day 105 - 4th of July

A fireworks stand from the Federation has been set up in front of the Palais de Merde. Its location, like the other stands, was no accident: it stood above the Fin du Monde. Fit figured out that these stands locations implied that the Federation knows where the inhabitants' secret rooms are.

Day 106 - The Night of the Final Debate

Antoine noticed that someone infiltrated the corridors of his secret base. He found signs on which where written "csc" ("contre son camp" - "against his team") and "the one who doesn't like secrets...". They were left next to the door of the Fin du Monde by Baghera. He also sees signs of a break-in in the south garden. He leaves a sign in response, on which he writes "ça ressemble à des menaces... pas très présidentiable" ("it looks like threats... not very presidential..."), understanding that the intruder was Baghera. While leaving the Palace, he discovers the fireworks stand in front of it.

Baghera tries again to break in the Fin du Monde with the help of Aypierre, who creates a diversion by message with Antoine, gone to look for diamonds. Baghera justified her desire to enter by the fact that Antoine has repeatedly claimed to hate secrets. The chorus fruits not working either, Aypierre evoked the Wand of symmetry to enter the secret room, but didn't use it. While digging over the room, he noticed that the stone blocks were protected, not by Antoine but by the Federation.

Scared by the return of Antoine in his Palace, Baghera and Aypierre take refuge on the roof of the Moon, before understanding that the protection above the Fin du Monde is a coincidence (?) due to the fireworks organized a few days before by the Federation, and not a betrayal of Antoine. The two French speakers return to the hallway and Aypierre begins the construction of an elevator to enter the Fin du Monde, which is a success. Inside, they read each book, challenged by Antoine's vision of things, which Baghera describes as "un peu conspi" ("a bit conspi" meaning pertaining to belief in conspiracy theory). They are nevertheless reassured that Antoine does not work for the Federation.

Antoine finds Aypierre not far from the Election Tower, who tells him that Baghera would have "become a mentalist". Baghera then joins them and starts teasing Antoine by telling him what he wrote in the books in his secret base. Antoine teleports himself to the End of the World and tries to destroy the waystone located there, but he can't succeed due to the fireworks stand on the surface, which the Federation has protected. Baghera and Aypierre join him, but when Antoine asks them how they got in, they lie to him, saying they used chorus fruits. Antoine is visibly disappointed. In return, Baghera gives him a tour of his Castle.

At the end of the debate, Antoine gives Jaiden a tour of his palace, and they spend time talking on the Moon. It's at this moment that Antoine finally discovers the existence of SOFIA, which no one had ever told him about before. After digging moats around the Palace and imagining an entrance with a drawbridge, he ends his day by showing his secret base to Etoiles.

Day 110 - The Moats

Antoine finishes digging moats around the Shit Palace using the Symmetry Wand. He fills the bottom with black concrete, preferring it to water, which he finds too obvious, or lava, which he finds too flashy. He extends the quartz platform on which the Palace is placed all the way to the bottom, adding columns and violet lanterns embedded in the wall.

Antoine continues to express his dissatisfaction with the placement of the fireworks stand. He considers its location above the End of the World to be a coincidence, and if not, Cucurucho would have known its location anyway since Baghera spotted him in the corridor.

He meets up with Pomme at the Palace, with whom he chats for a while. There, he learns that she has started building her own mansion by reading his diary.

At the end of the day, Antoine agrees to let BadBoyHalo use the ring to AFK while covering distance, for his election statistics.

Day 112 - The Countdown

Antoine finishes constructing the east moat. The rest of the day, he is busy with the Countdown Event with the other players present on that day.


  • In 2022, Antoine Daniel participated to a french SMP with Baghera, Etoiles, Horty and other french streamers. Back then, he already built a huge tower made of dirt and called it the Tour de Merde (Shit Tower, abbreviated TDM). It surely influenced Antoine in his choice to build in dirt on the QSMP server.


Notes and references[]


  1. In reference to the Palais Idéal (Ideal Palace), a local french monument built at the turn of the 20th century by a mailman, all by himself, with stones and pebbles he would gather on his deliveries.
  2. Aypierre refers to the François-Mitterrand site in Paris, where the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) is housed. The building, designed by architect Dominique Perrault, features four tall towers.
