
Te extranaré por siemple <3[2]

Trump's, last words to Maximus

Trump was one of the eggs in the QSMP, adopted by DanTDM and Maximus during the adoption event on April 3, 2023.

He was killed due to parental neglect on April 13, 2023, as none of the parents showed up or could take care of his tasks, being forgotten by everyone on the island.


Trump was a white, pixelated egg with two black legs sticking out of its shell. He wore a propeller hat that has blue, green, orange, and red diagonal stripes. The white propeller on his cap spins every time he moves.


Trump likes to listen to music and appears to have a close relationship with his parents. However, he also has a reckless side and may be prone to diving headfirst into danger. He has a particular affinity towards bombs and has been known to put them around as a joke or when he is feeling frustrated.

On his first day, Trump carried several bombs with him, liking to put them on the ground and use them as a threat to get what he wanted. He also showed his abilities to his parents, such as doing Backflips and being able to levitate like a Wizard, being called a magic egg by Dan. When asked to sit in one of the chairs by Maximus, Trump liked to stay on the table instead, seeming to enjoy disobeying sometimes.


Trump's tragedy is characterized by a narrative of profound tragedy and missed opportunities. Nevertheless, this quiet tale reverberates loudly across the QSMP's narrative, catalyzing subsequent events such as Maximus' descent into grief and conspiracies, giving rise to the Theory Bros and subsequently the establishment Ordo Theoritas, all driven to get Trump back. Additionally, it also led to BadBoyHalo's personal dedication to overseeing the completion of each egg's tasks, ensuring that no egg would ever be neglected again.

Ultimately, the tragedy of Trump's is knowing someone could’ve saved him, yet no one did.



Adoptive Parent.
RelationshipExtremelyPositive LargePixelArt Very Positive
Relationship Family LargePixelArt Family

Maxo has consistently shown to be there for Trump and was really caring for him. Being Trump's only parent after Dan disappeared, Maxo was unable to take care of Trump on a daily basis, and he later passed away due to parental neglect. Maxo was extremely saddened about this and drank too much after failing to convince the Federation to bring him back. He went to the Psicologoier after the whole situation to vent about the loss of his son. Maxo participated in the Funeral Event and was able to see his son for the last time thanks to Cucurucho and The Angel. Trump said he admired him a lot, despite everything, and asked him to take care of the other eggs on the island. As a last request before leaving, Maxo sang a song, as he always sang to Trump before going to sleep. They said goodbye, and the wall closed.

DanTDM.Icon This character has passed away. DanTDM
Adoptive Parent.
Relationship SlightlyPositive LargePixelArt Neutral/Positive
Relationship Family LargePixelArt Family

Trump got along well with his father during the day he was adopted. Sadly, Dan ended up mysteriously disappearing and never saw Trump again since the Adoption Day (due to needing to tend to personal matters).

Since Trump’s adoption day, Dan had not been seen on the island. It was later confirmed that Dan was canonically dead, along with Spreen.


RelationshipExtremelyPositive LargePixelArt Very Positive

On Day 19, Bad took care of Trump for the day. During the time spent together, Trump asked Bad to change his name to "TheBest." At the end of their travels, Trump gave Bad a dandelion as a thank-you gift for taking care of him.


Friend / Cousin
RelationshipExtremelyPositive LargePixelArt Very Positive

Trump liked Leo a lot, taking a picture together at Vegetta's Tower. During his last meeting with Maximus after the Funeral Event, Trump asked his father to take care of the other eggs/cousins, especially Leo.

Others - Día de Muertos

RelationshipExtremelyPositive LargePixelArt Very Positive

Bagi found the four deceased eggs on Día de Muertos and created very strong feelings with all of them, but she created a very strong attachment to Trump, getting very emotional reading his plaques on his altar. She was by his side practically all the time, having fun together and loving when he dances. Bagi wanted to take Trump to her home if she could, but unfortunately the deceased eggs could not leave the place where they were for the party. When saying her goodbyes, Bagi told Trump that he could come and haunt her whenever he wanted.

RelationshipExtremelyPositive LargePixelArt Very Positive

Tina found the deceased eggs during the Día de Muertos event where she bonded with trump feeling bad about his name and said she wanted to adopt him with Bagi


  • "Los dioses me trajeron solo un momento." (The gods brought me just for a moment) -To Maximus after being brought back for a few minutes to say goodbye to his father
  • "Solo se que son poderosos." (I just know they're powerful) -About the "Gods"
  • "Aprovechemos el tiempo." (Let's enjoy the time)
  • "Gracias por ser un buen padre, siempre te admiré a pesar de todo." (Thanks for being a good father, I always admired you despite everything)
  • "Te amo papá, cuidate mucho y mis primos tambien <3" (I love you dad, take care of yourself and my cousins too <3)
  • "Papá, me puedes cantar una ultima vez antes de irte?" (Dad, can you sing to me one last time before you go?)
  • "Te extranaré por siemple <3" (I will miss you forever <3) -Trump's last words to Maximus before leaving forever


  • Trump's name refers to the 45th U.S. President, Donald Trump.
  • Trump is the only egg so far that has died to parental neglect. He was alive for a total of 11 Days.
  • He's been spotted twice hidden away in QSMP promotional posters.[3]
  • His propeller can rotate, being the first egg with an animated model.
  • Trump and Tilín fully died on the same day, which was Day 23.
    • They are the only eggs to die on the same day.
  • His name was changed to "Frump" on the QSMP Shop, most likely to avoid the political meaning of his actual name.



