They by no means represent the content creators.
On this page you can find the "Significant Events" section with overviews of significant character arcs and a guide to pages with individual recaps of Tubbo's daily antics. Please keep in mind that all summaries on Tubbo's Lore pages will be somewhat biased towards him as they are written from his point of view as to give an accurate representation of his character's thoughts, feelings, observations and reasoning for his actions.
Daily Summaries Pages[]
Era of the Duck
Significant Events[]
Tubbo's first day was Day 159 of the server, in which he was rescued from the Ice Prison with no memories of a life before being unfrozen and arriving on Quesadilla Island.
On the third day he had made his plan to make the drill into a Mega-Drill, expanding it to now be 16x16. On day four he was showing Fit his machine and Fit jokingly suggested they double it, a joke that Tubbo took completely seriously. The two began expanding the drill to be 32x32 but unfortunately couldn't make it that size so settled for 29x29. While constructing the extension, Fit warned Tubbo that Cucurucho may pay him a visit and that the drill may already be on borrowed time. Mike also warned him of Cucurucho and the Federation.
Four days later on the 4th of September, Tubbo was hanging out with Tallulah and Chayanne while he created a slightly smaller- but still very large drill to collect copper. The three of them went down to mine and gathered roughly 1,300 copper before logging off, successfully getting away with using the drill that day. The next day however, he went mining with Foolish using the drill (which he had now expanded) and was caught by Cucurucho. Cucurucho demanded Tubbo hand over the drill but Tubbo had other plans, he whispered to Foolish to turn on the magnet in his backpack making it so that when Tubbo dropped the drill to Cucurucho, instead Foolish's magnet would pick it up. Incredibly this plan worked. Foolish's magnet picked up the drill and he quickly made an excuse to warp away to the Titan. Cucurucho was not impressed by this despite not knowing exactly what had happened.
YOU HANDED THE DRILL DOWN, IT DISAPPEARED AND I DID NOT GET IT. WHERE IS IT? Listen Cucurucho, I’m not responsible if you lost the drill. I’m not responsible if you lost stolen contraband. Is this something that happens often? Is this something The Federation should know about? I know you’re a very judicious thing. YOUR FRIEND, FOOLISH, DOES HE HAVE IT? Foolish? No Not at all. Foolish came over her to tell me to remove it. He arrived minutes before you did and was yelling at me to remove it but I was trying to convince him otherwise. But you have a much stronger will than Foolish. Foolish knew I was doing it because he saw I was doing it on the map near his base. Foolish is a good kid. He also really wants you to give him a job by the way. Like really badly. WOULD IT BE A PROBLEM THEN IF I VISTIED HIM ON THIS MATTER? no, we can go over there together. We can go over there now and talk to Foolish. NO. I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE ISLAND. Okay, bye now.
After this conversation Cucurucho went to speak with Foolish himself. Tubbo splashed a potion of invisibility on himself and went to spy on the conversation Foolish and Cucurucho were having. Cucurucho kept looking around to where Tubbo was and shooting even though he was invisible but Tubbo dodged him very well. Unfortunately he was found out when his invisibility wore off and Cucurucho shot him to death. After Foolish had finally been freed from Cucurucho's interrogations, they met back up and Foolish subtly hinted that the drill could be found within the Titan's hand. However, when Tubbo went to retrieve the drill he found that it wasn't there, leading him to the conclusion that the Federation had found it and confiscated the drill. This conclusion being confirmed a day later when Foolish found a book from Cucurucho in the Mega-drill hiding place dictating "I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE ISLAND :)."
Tubbo's mischief ceased temporarily, accepting defeat for the time being, however this peace did not last long after Tubbo discovered the eggs had gone missing. In a desperate attempt at attracting the attention of the Federation and Cucurucho in order to demand answers, Tubbo settled on creating a machine so illegal that authorities would have to take action. This took the form of a World-eater, a monster of a machine. However, Cucurucho was uncooperative and simply limited the operating capabilities of the machinery so that it became instantly overstressed, thus ending Tubbo's fascination with the drills.
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Gbzbeebj 1cz CFG
Tomorrow 1pm PST
September 16th 2023 / Day 178 - First Letter to Fred
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you well,
I haven't heard from you in quite some time now and I was
wondering what the
deal with that is. We
are supposed to be friends you know. please stop leaving me on read.
Page 2 of 3
The reason for me writing to you today to is ask for some clarification on what happened when you
led me and the others to that sewer the
other day.
From my point of view
it seemed like you led
us to our deaths...
Page 3 of 3
I know you are not a bad guy I just would really love some more information.
Yours Truly,
September 17th 2023 / Day 179 - First Letter Received from Fred
Page 1 of 3
Mr. Tubbo,
I was not expecting
you to leave a note in the place I left a special book.
I came and looked
after it but I found your letter instead.
Page 2 of 3
I don't quite understand what you mean by "leaving me
on read", is that a modern technology term I'm not aware of?
Once again, I was just doing my duties as a worker and don't know anything else.
Page 3 of 3
I hope this last encounter didn't leave you a bittersweet taste.
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you well, to further explain to leave someone on
read is to not reply
to them but fear not
as now you have replied so this does not apply.
As for our last interaction do not
Page 2 of 3
worry about it leaving a bittersweet taste I understand that you are very busy with your federation contracted work.
I hope to meet with
you in person again soon please let me know when you are
next on your lunch break.
Page 3 of 3
Yours Truly
September 18th 2023 / Day 180 - First Letters as Pen pals
Page 1 of 3
Mr. Tubbo,
I understand the modern term you described now to me. After further investigating thanks to it said the following: Being left on read means "The highest level of disrespect a human can receive".
Page 2 of 3
Wow. That sucks.
I guess we are pen pals now, although the Federation should not know i keep sending these letters.
I will get in serious problems if they know.
Page 3 of 3
Until then, be safe and look after your loved ones.
I learned a new
phrase so I hope I
use it correctly:
"See you later, alligator!" (thanks Internet Explorer)
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you in good health.
I'm so happy to hear that you have learnt new phrases from the internet! I have a new one for you today:
"Keep your chin up king! Your crown is falling"
Page 2 of 3
I would love to see if you can find where
this on comes from. I'd also love to hear what you think of it!
I also really do agree that this "pen pal” situation behind
closed doors the Federation does not need to know :)
Page 3 of 3
I look forward to hearing from you again, these letters are the best part of
my day!
Yours Truly,
- Tubbo
September 19th 2023 / Day 181 - Invitation to the Picnic
Page 1 of 4
Mr. Tubbo,
Internet Explorer
took around an hour
to load while
searching the phrase you mentioned.
I will correct you apparently it is "Chin up, king. Your crown is falling" by Technoblade.
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He was a man who inspired millions of people, and his legacy remains alive til this day.
This is a lovely
phrase. Thank you. it leaves me thinking on how despite the difficult situations, there's always hope...
Page 3 of 4
and as long as you don't lose that hope and keep trying. you will achieve your
I don't quite understand why these letters are the best part of your day. There's even better stuff like eating avocado toast.
Page 4 of 4
I hope you're keeping these letters, as I
keep yours in a chest.
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you in good health.
Wiser words have never been uttered I agree that if you put your mind to something and never lose hope there is now world where you don't succeed.
Thank you for correcting me I didn't...
Page 2 of 3
realise that all this
time I had
mis-remembered the quote!
The reason for me writing to you today is because I would love
to invite you on a
picnic given you can get the time off work that is. I have been hard working on a...
Page 3 of 3
machine that is able to bake as much avocado toast as we can both eat. I really hope you will be able to join me; looking forward to hearing back from
Yours Truly
- Tubbo
September 21th 2023 / Day 184 - Fred's Misunderstood
Page 1 of 3
Thanks to Internet Explorer and Yahoo! Answers I was able to get the correct quote.
I wouldn't be anything with those webpages and Windows Messenger.
Page 2 of 3
With the picnic invite, what kind of pick-up line is that?
People usually ask
for a coffee first or are more subtle
before jumping straight to a date.
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I fear I'm not capable to see you as something else than a friend, or human
being. I will need to request unpaid days off.
I'll keep you updated.
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you well.
I am glad to hear that the Internet has been such great tool for you!
I fear you have compleatly mis-read
my intentions, I was purely asking you to hangout. I do not wish
Page 2 of 3
to persue a romantic relationship with you
so I am glad we are
on the same page.
I am very happy to hear that you will try to get days off of
work to hangout.
Write back to me with a day, time & place and I will make sure to be free.
Page 3 of 3
Yours Truly,
September 24th 2023 / Day 187 - A New Place
Page 1 of 4
Dear Tubbo,
I think I understood now what you meant by "leaving someone on read"....
I'm sorry for not
giving you an answer back.
But my boss found out about our little letter exchange.
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And exiled me for a couple of days due to missbehaving.
After all, a high class worker is not allowed to communicate with others unless told to do so.
I don't want to lose my job.
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But I don't want to
lose our friendship either.
I'll keep you updated with the picnic since they're keeping an
eye on me.
Can we change our little location to somewhere else more secret?
Page 4 of 4
Perhaps even use a chest that requires a code to access it.
If not, I'll be spending the rest of my life in
a constant state of paranoia.
Yours truly,
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you well. I am so so sorry to hear
about what your boss has done to you, I
hope everything is okay.
No worries at all
about "leaving me on read" had I have known what was going on I would have understood.
Page 2 of 3
I think a new location
is a great idea but I think you should be
the one to set it up as you have a lot less mobility than I.
If it would not be too much hassle please leave an encrypted book with the new location and
Page 3 of 3
Make sure that only I would be able to understand the code as we dont want your boss to find the new place.
Best of luck; can't wait to see you.
Yours Truly,
September 27th 2023 / Day 189 - Coordinates
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X 2867 Z 2384 Y 84
September 28th 2023 / Day 190 - Secret Outpost
Page 1 of 4
Dear Tubbo,
I've been pretty busy at the office filling
out reports.
Apparently my boss is keeping track of everything I do, so it
is somewhat difficult
to keep in contact with you.
Page 2 of 4
Most of my reports
talk about issues around the island, and apparently yesterday a group of people broke into the offices and tried to steal important information.
Page 3 of 4
I did take the time to build a small
post-office that can
be somewhat more secret and I hope my boss doesn't find
about it.
The light on will mean
a new letter has been delivered. Whereas light turned off means no letter.
Page 4 of 4
Have you heard of flower language before?
sunflowers represent loyalty...
Yours truly.
Page 1 of 6
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you well. I think this outpost is a wonderful idea and
the light system
should be really helpful to know if
there is a new letter!
I'm sorry to hear that some people broke
into your office...
Page 2 of 6
However I might have information that will
help you find out who and hopefully this will help you regain your boss' trust.
So truth be told me
and a group of islanders went to the fed office the other day and we stumbled upon your reports,
Page 3 of 6
Am I correct in saying that you are WA02?
Had I have know this would get you in some bother I would have stayed far away and I am really sorry I
hope you can forgive me.
However we did make sure to put
everything back as it was...
Page 4 of 6
But also Badboyhalo told me that he also broke in alone to investigate the
reports so if anything is missing it is most likely him.
Also I have strong reasons to believe that Badboyhalo is responsable for the missing worker WB011
Page 5 of 6
Also I had no idea about flower language that is so awesome I
will do some
google-ing on the internet myself to find out more!
again really sorry if I got you in any trouble
I hope my info help make this right.
Page 6 of 6
Yours Truly,
- Tubbo
p.s please hide this letter so it can never be seen by island members...
October 3rd 2023 / Day 195 - Gifts
Alongside the letter, Tubbo found an azure bluet and wondered what it meant in flower language, after reading Fred's book and a quick google search he found it meant purity, innocence and grace. Tubbo took this to mean Fred had taken interest in him, possibly a romantic interest.
Page 1 of 6
Dear Tubbo,
I might be a bad
penpal at this point. I can't even exchange letters with you properly, if at some point you decide to stop this letter exchange you are welcomed to do so.
Page 2 of 6
Apparently, my documents and
reports from my
office are still there.
My boss insist about the fellow worker missing so yesterday made me go out again and follow our main suspect which is Mr. BadBoyHalo.
Page 3 of 6
And after what you
told me, I knew I had
to investigate furher.
I genuinely felt like a stalker and that it wasn't morally correct what I was doing, to
the point to have a guard next to me all the time to feel safe.
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Long story short, Mr. BadBoyHalo seemed to be innocent. I still
need to conduct more interviews t othe rest of Quesadilla Island residents, but for now I should fill up a report and deliver it
to certain coordenates.
Page 5 of 6
I learned what gifts are. "A gift is
something you give someone when you
care about them",
does that mean you care for me and been giving me gifts all this time? You've been nice to me since we met.
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You probably tried to use me to get information at some point, but still, I don't understand why
you're like that.
Yours truly,
Page 1 of 4
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you well and in good health.
Please do not worry about being a good penpal by the sounds of things you have a LOT on your plate
Page 2 of 4
But holy shit man that sound like you are being a super spy and I read you words with spy music playing.
As far as badboyhalo goes I think he is just
a little messed up in
the head and has a muffin kink.
Page 3 of 4
I really do hope you find the missing
working that sounds
so stressful also on that note I don't think you shouldn't worry about the morallity
of trying to find them as kidnapping itself it very immoral.
Page 4 of 4
Also Fred I promise I will never use you for information I am not like the people at the federation.
Thank you for doing your best to stay in touch!
Yours Truly
- Tubbo
After this he went to find a flower for Fred, eventually landing on a daffodil which represents hope, preservation and transformation. Tubbo specifically liked how it signified hope and so left it with the letter in the chest for Fred.
October 6th 2023 / Day 198 - Tubbo's Misundertood
When Tubbo went to check if Fred had left him anything, he found a book, a slice of avocado toast, cranberry juice and a lily of the valley along with a letter.
Page 1 of 4
Dear Tubbo,
What do you mean by Muffin "kink"? Is that something I should
know about or research in Internet Explorer?
I look forward for your answer.
Page 2 of 4
I've been conducting some interview these past days to try to
find clues for the missing worker.
Nothing new.
I noticed people in the island have missing children...someone should call a Department to give
Page 3 of 4
therapy to them, it seems its really needed.
I know what "LMAO" means now! I feel younger using what young adults call "slang".
Here's an avocado toast and some
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cranberry juice, Mr. BadBoyHalo, Philza,
and Fit seemed to
smile a bit when I gave them that.
Yours truly,
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you in good health.
Now I think about it
you don't really need to search for what "kink" means it's a
very nothing word with no importance.
Page 2 of 3
I am pleased to hear that your investigation is still underway, However I am sorry there is no new news.
Ahh yes!! LMAO one of my most fond slang words. Those young adults be crazy!
what slang did you have growing up from your decade...
Page 3 of 3
Speaking of decade what one were you born in ahaha.
Thank you so so much for the kind gift, it too made me smile :D
Yours truly,
- Tubbo
Once he had finished the letter, Tubbo left it with an oxeye daisy which signifies new beginnings and cheerfulness and a nether star.
October 7th 2023 / Day 199 - Love is Dead?
Tubbo saw that Fred had left him a book, but he hadn't taken the nether star or oxeye daisy which he had left him as a gift.
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Mr. Tubbo,
I think this is the best approach I can give
to the current situation. If there's even one to begin with.
First of all, what are you insinuating with "what decade I was born in"?
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You could of just straigh up ask. As a worker I can't reveal exact information, but
I was born between 1998-2005 if that
gives you peace of mind.
Page 3 of 5
Just because I am learning how to use
the internet does not mean I am an old person.
I am just learning "social queues", emotions, and other things that make you "humane"...just normal people things I guess.
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However, I am even more confused about your behaviour the other day. Ms. Bagi mentioned you were "in love" with me, I
thought we were on
the same page that we are penpals.
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You even mentioned
you never seeked a relationship, and neither do I. I am pretty sure I respected that ever since you told me.
Sorry if I gave that impression. Have a good day.
- WA02
Tubbo was distraught after learning that Fred did not reciprocate his feelings and knowing that Fred wasn't seeking any form of romantic relationship. The fact that Fred had addressed him as "Mr. Tubbo" instead of the usual "Dear Tubbo" and signed the book with his legal name "WA02" left him feeling upset that Fred was seemingly being cold towards him.
Page 1 of 5
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you in good health.
I do too agree that
this is the best way to go about your investigation.
Page 2 of 5
What I meant by what decade were you born in was just me poking fun at the fact that
you are just learning the so called "Normal People Things". I do hope this didn't upset you at all! Really
sorry if this is the case.
Page 3 of 5
Also no need to worry about giving me peace for mind as I was just joking around with
you sorry my tone did not come across in
the letter aha.
Let me be completely honest with you now fred...
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What bagi said was far far removed from context meant to be a joke among my close friends and I am so
so sorry this got
back to you. I never wanted to upset you because like you said we are penpals.
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I really hope that this has not made things uncomfy for you or make things awkward between us.
Yours faithfully,
- Tubbo
When signing the letter Tubbo choose to sign "Fred" instead of "Dear Fred" as he had done since the start of the exchange.
October 8th 2023 / Day 200 - Fred's Doubts
On the chest was a new letter and 9 Daffodils left by Fred that symbolise Rebirth, New begginings, Resiliance and Forgiveness.
Page 1 of 5
Dear(? Mr. Tubbo,
I don't know how to
feel at this point. I didn't even know I was capable of feeling something since that's human behavior.
I don't want to end up like WC06...
Page 2 of 5
but I want to keep learning from you.
Why...does my stomach hurt after I saw you signed with "Fred" rather than your
usual "Dear Fred"?
We are friends, aren't we?
Page 3 of 5
I must admit...I don't know what my morals are or trust for the Federation is...
For the first time
after living on the island I can't make
firm decisions.
I hope despite all this, you can still have this kind personality
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that...helped me be more humane, at least for a couple of days.
Even when you gave
me my name, Fred is a masculine name right?
I still don't quite understand gender.
But that's ok. I can learn.
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Thanks for being my penpal.
And my friend.
- Fred(?
Page 1 of 10
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you in good health.
Im sorry to hear you are having all these confusing feelings. All this human stuff can
be so overwhelming. But on a better note
it's always okay to not know how to feel!
Page 2 of 10
I understand that these feeling you
have might be
stressful but something that has always helped me is
too try to remember if something is out of my control not to dwell
on it for too long as it does no good.
Page 3 of 10
I do not understand what you mean when you wrote "I don't
want to end up like WC06" is that one of your colleagues? Are they okay? What happened to them?
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Fred you are always welcome to learn from me! You can ask me anything whenever :)
The feeling of your stomach hurting might be a sign that I hurt your feelings and im really sorry if that is the case; I never wanted to upset you...
Page 5 of 10
The reason for me signing just "Fred" is because you signed
as "WA02" I thought
you were not comfortable with the way we spoke to each other so I changed to better accommodate. I see now that that was wrong and I should have spoken to you about it first.
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We are absolutely friends no matter
what so you should never worry about if we are or not.
It is okay to questions your morals in this confusing time especially when it
comes to the federation as they
are so mysterious.
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I'm sorry to hear that all of these feelings are affecting your work so much,
However im sure they will pass soon and you can get your laser focus back!
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You don't have to worry about my personality changing or the bond between
us too.
I'm happy to hear that you have been feeling more humane these
last few days. What
has that been like for you? Do you like it?
Page 9 of 10
Yes that's right Fred
is typically a more masculine name!
If you prefer to be know as something
more androgynous or feminine. that is more than okay feel free to write back with what ever you want to be known as!
There is plenty of time to learn more!
Page 10 of 10
No Fred thank you for always being there
for me as my penpal.
Yours faithfully,
- Tubbo
p.s wyd tonight?
Tubbo left a Pink Allium apart from his letter which symbolises unity, good fortune, patience, prosperity and humility.
October 10th 2023 / Day 202 - A couple of Answers
Fred had left a white anemone symbolising sincerity, dedication and appreciation as well as a letter.
Page 1 of 6
Dear(? Tubbo:
You mentioned it's always okay to not
know how to feel. But I disagree.
I never met WC06, but apparently they did something similar to
this letter exchange.
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The Federation knew, and exiled them. As of today, it is used as an example not to follow the same path and behave according to your rank.
As I said, I don't
really get gender nor know how to identify myself at. That gives you more autonomy
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which I never thought of nor can afford.
You can refer to me
as someone
You need to stop
being nice to me, there's stuff about myself that you don't know and I'm afraid
you will not like.
Page 4 of 6
After all, everyone has something to hide...
I looked up what "wyd" meant in and it means "what you doing"...
why do you ask?
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Anyways, have a great day today.
p.s. Do you like music?
I stumbled upon YouTube and discovered this song and thought you might like it. Although it is in Spanish:
Tiroteo - Marc Segui
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(There's two versions, but I personally like the remix one better).
Page 1 of 6
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you in good health.
I don't understand
why you disagree with my statement I promise you it would lead to a much more care free life and would overall be better for you!
Page 2 of 6
Oh my gosh im so
sorry to hear about WC06 I really hope nothing like that ever happens to you I
would be really really upset!
That's cool that you are non-binary! If you don't mind me asking what you are
pronouns boss!
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Fred I don't think I would ever stop being nice to you I just do not think I am capable of that. I love our
little letter messages they are the highlight of my day :D
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I promise I am as much of an open book as
the books I send to you; I have no
If there is anything
you want to tell me to get it off your chest I am always here to listen too!
I just want to help however I can!
Page 5 of 6
I asked what were you doing because I
wanted to invite you to watch a movie with me
at that theater.
I found this one I think you would really
really like!
I wish you all the best lovely catching up
Yours Truly,
- Tubbo
Page 6 of 6
p.s. I listened to the song that you sent
and loved it!
Have you heard the song "September Told Me" by Juice, I think you would really like it :D
He left this book with an Azure Bluet flower at their postbox.
October 11th 2023 / Day 203 - The Movie ¿Date?
Tubbo was confused by what he found on the chest, no flowers and a incomplete letter.
Page 1 of 3
Dear(? Tubbo,
I appreciate the kind words and all the support given from you.
I guess you do see
the good side of everything
regardless of the situation.
Page 2 of 3
That's something I caught up when we
first met, besides
your insistent and curious personality,
of course.
Now that you
mentioned these
letters are the highlight of your day,
it is sad to know whenever you
Page 3 of 3
don't receive a letter from you get "sad"? I apologize about that.
I barely noticed, did you just ask me out again?
Ok, but what if you me that in person
After reading Tubbo heard steps near and for his suprise Fred was standing above the hill behind him.
October 13th 2023 / Day 205 - A Simple Letter
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you well.
I really enjoyed
seeing you in person the other day it was
so exciting. I had a blast.
What did you think of the movie we saw?
Page 2 of 3
Do you have any idea when we might be able to hangout again?
It's more than okay if not I know you have a very busy work life,
so no pressure at all.
How have things been with you at the fed?
Did you figure out who the masked man is?
Page 3 of 3
That's about all I have for you today not
much is going on in my life I actually took
the day off yesterday which was nice!
Looking forward to hearing from you
again soon.
Yours Truly,
- Tubbo
Tubbo left 2 amethyst shards and a cornflower that symbolises life, tranquility and peace.
October 14th 2023/ Day 206 - An Oficial Date???
Fred left a pink Tulip that means affection, caring, good wishes and love.
Page 1 of 5
Thank you for
spending time with me the previous day. It is always nice to talk
with you, even if it is just for a bit.
I am sorry if I got involved in other
stuff while we were hanging out
Page 2 of 5
I had to gather information and try to investigate.
But I would like to reassure that the movie and your company was nice...although I noticed through my peripheral vision you weren't even looking
at the screen.
Page 3 of 5
Somewhat interesting, and endearing if you ask me.
Anyway, I never replied to your letter related to the pronouns situation. Feel free to use any.
I don't have a great understanding of
Page 4 of 5
The reason for this letter is to uhm... I was sorta kind of thinking to... ask you... if you would like... to hang out with me tomorrow Saturday? I think you call them "dates".
Of course you're welcomed to decline.
Page 5 of 5
Have a good day, and hope to hear from
you soon.
- Fred(?
Page 1 of 4
Dearest Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you in good health.
I too thought it was a pleasure to hangout with you the other
Page 2 of 4
Do not worry at all about conducting bits of your investigation while we were hanging.
I understand how important finding out what happened to WB011 is to you and
the rest of the federation workers.
I found your company really nice too..........
Page 3 of 4
Alright king if that floats you boat any pronouns it is!
Fred I would love to
go on a "date" with
you! what did you have in mind you can pick
me up whenever!
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I hope you are having an great day and I am looking foward to seeing you soon!
Yours Truly,
- Tubbo
Tubbo signed the letter with "Dearest Fred" instead of "Dear Fred", he also left an Azure Bluet with the letter.
December 1st 2023/ Day 252 - Tubbo's Goodbye
Page 1 of 3
Dear Fred,
I hope this letter
finds you wherever that may be in this life and beyond.
It has been over a month since I have
last heard from you.
I miss you,
I miss our funny letters,
I would have loved to see you more.
Page 2 of 3
I am afraid that this
is goodbye.
I have never been very good at
goodbyes or anything like the sort.
I have a daughter now
I really really wanted you to meet her.
I'm sure she would have loved you.
Page 3 of 3
I hope that one day we can see each other again and I will never stop thinking of you.
Yours Truly
- Tubbo
After some later events ubbo took the letter so Fred never received it.
December 7th 2023/ Day 258 - One Last Letter
This letter was not sent but given by hand to Tubbo just before Fred was taken by Cucurucho.
Page 1 of 3
Dear Tubbo,
I don't have much time,
I need to go.
But I wanted to tell
you I am safe and I hope so are you, Quackity lied and tried to convince me about pictures and made -
up stories of things that weren't real.
Page 2 of 3
I took some time to
sort my thoughts now that I am no longer in that cell of his.
I have also been told to return to my workplace in an
instant. I am not sure what awaits me there.
Page 3 of 3
But don't you worry, I am ok.
And I hope if I come back later, maybe you can accept that date again. For now, I don't think know... mmm the letter exchange will be paused.
Yours truly,
Please come back later and check for updates.
Please come back later and check for updates.
The Date... October 14th 2023 / Day 206
On this day, Fred had left a letter asking Tubbo out on a date and he had responded very enthusiastically. He changed into a suit and shared the news with the server in chat, desperate to let everyone know. After receiving advice from Pierre to bring flowers, he headed over to Tallulah's flower garden and picked out a magenta amaranth which signified everlasting love. He waited for Fred to come and pick him up but as time went on, he began to lose hope. While at the Ordo Theoritas Headquarters, Cellbit and the rest of the Order tried to comfort him after he told them how he thought he had been stood up. Cellbit even told him an anecdote of his first date with Roier in a futile attempt to comfort him. He kept pacing back and forth between his home, the letterbox (which was now empty) and spawn. Along the way back home after some pacing, he encountered some other islanders and he showed them all the Controversial Hole. One of the islanders who came along was Quackity, who pulled him aside to speak with him.
He began interrogating him with images of him and Fred together, which were false, but after Tubbo rebutted this he went and grabbed another piece of evidence. Quackity read aloud a letter which he had sent to Fred, asking what other information he had been giving Fred and asking him if he had ever thought of the fact Fred could be using him for information. Tubbo told him that he and Fred trusted each other but as evidence to the contrary, Quackity showed him a book which Fred had signed saying how he and Tubbo worked for the Federation together. He then asked if Tubbo would ever work for The Federation and he told Quackity how it depended on what was at stake. If it were to save Chayanne and Tallulah then he would do so happily but Quackity told him this was the wrong answer. He told him that he was a rat and that he'd never see Fred again before warping away.
The Plan - October 15th 2023 / Day 207
We're not messing around today. Listen to me, listen to me very, very carefully. [...] We ain't messing around not even one bit. Not even one bit. So, for those of you that are out of the loop, something terrible has happened. Something absolutely diabolically evil, something twisted and manipulative has happened... Seemingly, I thought I'd been stood up, which is fine! It's not an issue. I can deal with rejection, I'm known to be a very reasonable person, but there is a very- and now I don't say this lightly- mentally ill, evil member of the QSMP... And you might think I'm talking about Cucurucho but no I'm not. No I'm not. I'm talking about none other than Quackity himself... And mark my words, for as long as there is a block he has placed on this server, I will be there to break it. 'Cos I'm gonna find Fred, and I am NOT gonna give up.
I think you'll find I can be a very persistent person, a very calculated person. I like to feel like I haven't wronged anyone on this server, I like to feel like all I've done is give and I've given everything my all and I've taken nothing. Nothing that I wouldn't consider unreasonable. So today, I'm gonna destroy every single block he has ever placed on this server until I find what I am looking for. Do you understand me? You understand right? You understand why this has to be done. You understand I really wasn't given a choice here, right? You understand that- like- this was- this was the only reasonable course of action here.
Who in their right mind could sit on the sidelines while innocent people are being kidnapped and tortured? Who in their right minds could sit on the sidelines while that's happening? Why? Ever heard of the bystander effect? That's not me. Now at the end of the day, I'm done thinking about other people's point of views and other people's feelings. It's time for me to step into the sun, and who cares if everyone else burns? Shall we begin?
It's time for us to put our detective hats on 'cos he can't be that smart y'know, there's gonna be a trail to follow and my god am I gonna be there to follow it. [...] "Villain arc?" you say? No no no no no. This is more than a villain arc, this is a lifestyle adjustment. I'd call this a fair demonstration of what I'm capable of. I'm not a believer in proportional response. You wrong me? You're not gonna be around to tell the tale. This is not a story of villains and heroes, this is a story of revenge... This is a story of fucking revenge.
I don't want you guys to feel like this is a sombre day, alright? I don't feel like this is a sombre day. I feel like this is a great day, I feel like this server's finally gonna see what I'm capable of. Has anyone else on the server removed millions of blocks in three days? They all underestimate me. They all underestimate me! They all underestimate me! They underestimate what I'm capable of- what? Because I dont have the fanciest armour, I don't have the fanciest swords? We're not in the middle ages, this is not a conflict of shields and swords and fighting with weapons. No no no no no no no, this is a modern day conflict. This is a conflict of machines, a conflict of wits, a conflict of psychological warfare. This is a conflict of which there is no winner. There is only mutually assured destruction, and if you know me you know that I know a thing or two about mutually assured destruction... We're not going down that path, today we gather information and we break every single block this fucker has ever place... EVERY SINGLE BLOCK. And we find where his spawn point is, and we remember where his spawn point is. It's all about gathering information, this is the modern age chatters. Conflict isn't done with swords and shields anymore, you know I've already said that [but] I feel like I need to reiterate though just to make sure [that] you and I are both on the same page...
So... Why don't we talk a little about my plan of attack for today? You know that I don't do things on a whim, I do things direct and to the point, okay?... We're gonna start off with his house. You know- the place he's meant to feel safe. Then we're gonna dive deeper we're gonna go down into the basement, we're gonna investigate the strange writings and connections. We're then gonna investigate the warp plate that's unlinked because I realised there's a way you can find where the warp plates were linked to based on the text which is underneath the crystal. And we're gonna use that text to go to where the warp plate leads. From where the warp plate leads, we're not gonna break anything. We're just gonna observe.
Since we've last spoken I've come into the possession of perhaps twenty six stacks of TNT. You know I just hang onto things for a rainy day and it's not enough just to break every single block he's placed. What about we replace every single block he's placed. Every single one, every single one! Strap the fuck in, and hey, I'm not really feeling particularly morally righteous at the minute. I'm not particularly feeling morally righteous let's say. So anything to get the upper hand, am I right? Anything to get the upper hand, am I right! I believe the warp plate to the Federation office is still active. Anything to get the upper hand. Do you really think I care? Do you think I care? Now I've come to think about it, Now I've come to think about it. In my own experience here, the members of the island have been much worse to me than the Federation ever has been. You get what I mean? Do you understand what I'm saying? You understand what I'm saying.
BadBoyHalo and his crusade to turn everyone against me just because of something I was building for the server, Quackity taking away the one person I care about on this server. I'd say the members of this island are far worse than the Federation has ever been to me. I broke into their office they shot me, alright [well] I was trespassing. I don't know, I say we just take it as it comes. I say we just keep that information privy to you and me though. I say we just keep that information privy to you and me, I don't feel that information needs to leave this room. [...] Morning Crew don't need to know, my boys will be my boys. They don't need to know the truth. I'm here to execute the scientific method to a T and show everyone what I'm really capable of. They all underestimate me! I think we show them a healthy, healthy dose of regret, surely. What could go wrong? What could go possibly wrong.
A day later, Tubbo had collected his thoughts on the matter. He had decided that every single block which Quackity had ever placed would be broken by him until he found Fred. He understood that this would likely mean he would also be hurt in this crusade but he had accepted this, all he cared for was mutually assured destruction. He realised how all of the islanders beside the morning crew had wronged him in some way despite him never having done anything to upset others. When he arrived at Quackity's wooden house on a hill, he began by investigating the Office underneath the house for clues. He tried to put himself in Quackity's shoes while looking for leads but everything took him to a dead end. After hitting a wall in his investigations, he went back up to the house. Here, he began breaking the house block by block until there was nothing left. While doing this he plotted on how to psychologically destroy Quackity, by destroying everything he had ever done on the server, he hoped Quackity would feel as if he had never existed at all.
The next day Tubbo's first course of action was once again taking down the new temporary house Quackity had built himself upon discovering his old home had been turned to nothing. After this however, Tubbo felt largely powerless and from then on shifted his focus completely onto finding Fred via other means but these plans were interrupted by Purgatory where Tubbo had to work alongside ElQuackity.
Once returned from Purgatory, Tubbo felt that his search effort had been brought to a dead end and there was nothing more he could do other than bide his time waiting for any kind of update, accepting that after all this time the likelihood that Fred was alive had been significantly lowered.
The longer Tubbo went without seeing Fred after Purgatory, the more reckless he became resulting in; wearing little armour despite having it; jumping off high places, resulting in bleeding out until being revived by another player; and repeatedly jumping on ice spikes to take damage.
Closure - Canon date unknown
Tubbo was sat on the bench next to Fred, the place they had first left their letters. As the song playing came to a close, this scene faded to black. When he opened his eyes again, he was still on the bench but there was no Fred beside him. Today would be the day that this chapter of his life came to a close, but it wouldn't feel right to leave the letterbox empty forever so he began writing one more letter, a tearful goodbye.
Page 1
Dear Fred,I hope this letter finds you wherever that may be in this life and beyond.
It has been over a month since I have last heard from you.
I miss you,
I miss our funny letters, I would have loved to see you more.
Page 2
I am afraid that this is goodbye.
I have never been very good at goodbyes or anything like the sort.
I have a daughter now I really really wanted you to meet her.
I'm sure she would have loved you.
Page 3
I hope that one day we can see each other again and I will never stop thinking of you.
Yours Truly
- Tubbo
He signed this book and took out the oxeye daisy and nether star which Fred had never taken. As he left it was raining, a dull reflection of his feelings as he walked away from the letterbox for a final time. He walked back to the spawn where he was greeted by two Faceless Workers. They were just putting up Christmas decorations so he asked if they would care to join him for the memorial service he had put together for their co-worker, his Fred. They agreed to come along and told him that it would mean a lot to them to say their goodbyes too. They began walking toward Tubhaus to the burial site Tubbo had created. Fred had actually been their boss and they had known him for a long time hence why they wanted to go with him and pay their respects.
When they arrived at the small memorial site that he had built, there was a stone coffin situated next to a stone podium in front of six spruce chairs. He hadn't expected anyone to come,
Hello everyone, thank you for joining us today. I wish it was under better circumstances but as you know, someone very dear to us all has sadly passed. Federation worker WA02, known as Fred to the ones closest to them. I'm sorry about there not being an open casket, I was told that the body was too destroyed and mangled to even resemble anything like a person. I'm sorry about my clothes as well, I know I haven't dressed the most appropriately I just haven't had the chance to change since getting back here and I thought it better just to get this done than wait any longer and delay the inevitable.
Fred was a precious soul. Fred was a wonderful, precious soul he still had so much to learn, so much to experience for the first time and so much to grow. It's such a tragic shame no one offered him the same compassion and consideration that he gave to others. Losing someone that you care about is never quantifiable, it's never something you can know how any given person will react to or know what any given person will do, but I will say this: it's so ruthlessly unfair what happened to someone that we cared about so deeply. And I'm not going to sugar-coat it, what happened to Fred was a tragedy and it should've been a preventable tragedy. If anyone, just anyone, literally SOMEONE had done anything, this could've been prevented.
Fred was my best friend on this server and the only one that took me seriously. The only one that listened to my concerns and the things that I cared about and didn't offer to fix it or do anything like that, just sat and listened and I doubt there will be anyone that could ever replace that. My favourite parts of my mornings was going to the postbox, responding to our letters, and I'm really really gonna miss that.
Thank you everyone for being here, it's so wonderful that anyone showed up. In a few minutes I'll invite you guys up to say a few words as well and then we can get this underway.
He let the other two workers say their closing words as well, one worker writing,
Page 1
WA02, or Fred as you call him, or as they deserved to be called, was a fantastic boss. They were fantastic and even while I was going through my own problems, he was always there for me.
Page 2
I don't think I will be able to properly realise that they are gone now. But I'm happy their memories are preserved here, through your letters, and through all our memories of them.
Page 3
I don't think I will feel the same pain as you but I am happy Fred was capable of meeting someone like you, sir
Page 4
Thank you for giving our fellow worker and boss, Fred, so much joy in his last moments of life
Page 5
He will forever be grateful
and the other writing,
Page 1
Boss, its been an honor working for you. I hope wherever you are, you are free and can be a person. I hope you can rest now. Thank you for looking out for us. Goodbye.
Page 2
Thank you for being a part of Fred's life. You truly meant a lot to them.
Once they had both said their last words to and about Fred, Tubbo made one last speech.
Thank you everyone so much for coming, I wish there was a little bit more information that I could give you about what happened to them, but just know the person who did this to Fred WILL be punished. I do not wish ill on anyone on this island but what I wish for the person that did this to Fred is a fate worse than anything anyone has ever experienced. I want them to know pain and suffering like this (gesturing to the tomb) for every second left of their existence with no escape.
The workers then thanked him for the service and wished him all the best, one of them giving him a yellow daffodil symbolising new beginnings and rebirth. He then left the memorial site, daffodil in hand, and went to be with Sunny as his vision faded to black. Tubbo kept this flower in his hand in the days after the memorial service was held.
November 30th, 2023 - Movie night
After movie night had ended, Tubbo was talking with Phil and the eggs when Quackity came over with Cellbit and Roier. While Cellbit greeted him, Quackity asked him where Fred was. Tubbo was thrown into a fit of anger, trying to kill the trio and yelling "YOU BASTARD" while swinging his scythe at them. After being stopped by Chayanne and Richarlyson, he fell silent and held his head in his hands for several minutes. Chayanne and Tallulah stuck by his side and tried to cheer him up with Tallulah's flute, unsure of what exactly was wrong but knowing he was upset nonetheless. The three stayed like this until Phil came over, he tried to lighten the mood with jokes, thinking Tubbo was simply in his own world but this only upset him further as he wasn't being taken seriously. He logged off that day miserable.
Please come back later and check for updates.
Tubbo rescued Fred, the two went on a date together. Though there was a little awkward energy after being away from each other from so long, the two were glad to finally reconnect. Tubbo toured Fred around a few of the factories which Tubbo had built in Fred's absence then the two went to a spot next to the sea where they laid out a picnic blanket and talked together.
At the end of the date Tubbo asked Fred if he would like to do something else together and the two agreed on a movie night that evening at Tubbo's home.
Through Quackity's stream on day 208 where he dressed up as Fred and went to a the A0 Project Event meeting, we could see that Fred had told other Faceless Workers about Tubbo and that this had become quite the hot gossip among the workers. They all seemed extremely supportive of Fred and Tubbo's relationship, even the officer in charge told "Fred" how the Federation is an inclusive working environment and that all the other workers are supportive of them. Throughout the night many of the lower rank workers came up to "Fred" asking about the relationship in a tone which would be seen as them poking at Fred and trying to squeeze more information out of him and see if their relationship has progressed- the same kind of tone you would expect at a stereotypical teenager's sleepover. It's heavily implied that the workers tend to gossip with each other and look forward to updates from Fred about how the relationship is going.
When Tubbo was talking with WB12 while trying to get his mini-me back, WB12 revealed that Fred talks about Tubbo and has told other workers glowing stories of him in these books:
Page 1
WB12 in books: interesting how WA02 talks wonders about you, you're aggressive
However, when he asked about if Fred had been talking about him and what he had been saying, the worker told him:
Page 1
We are an inclusive working place. So we support their decisions and likes.
Not going to elaborate bye bye
After Fred's assumed death, two workers attended Fred's memorial service. The workers both had Fred as their boss and worked under them. Each of the workers wrote eulogies for Tubbo to read out. One reading:
Page 1
WA02, or Fred as you call him, or as they deserved to be called, was a fantastic boss. They were fantastic and even while I was going through my own problems, he was always there for me.
Page 2
I don't think I will be able to properly realise that they are gone now. But I'm happy their memories are preserved here, through your letters, and through all our memories of them.
Page 3
I don't think I will feel the same pain as you but I am happy Fred was capable of meeting someone like you, sir
Page 4
Thank you for giving our fellow worker and boss, Fred, so much joy in his last moments of life
Page 5
He will forever be grateful
and the other writing,
The next day, the two found out that the Eye Soldiers had attacked a group of islanders[2], Empanada was unfortunately killed which left Sunny devastated. Upon returning home, Sunny used all the materials she could think of to try and make a time machine to go back and save her friend[3].
At this moment, the timeline split. The real Tubbo and Sunny were successful in their attempt at making a time machine and spent the rest of their days travelling through space and time together doing everything they could've ever dreamed[4] and finding a home in one another[5], leaving clones of themselves (the timeline we see) to carry on their every day lives so as not to worry their friends.
Notes and references[]
All QSMP streams from Tubbo can be found on the Archived VODS YouTube Channel in this playlist and a select few can be found on the Official TubboLIVE YouTube Channel.
- ↑ "Wanna build a time machine?": Tubbo's VOD timestamp, 10.1.24
- ↑ Sunny finding out about Empanada losing a life: Tubbo's VOD timestamp, 12.1.24
- ↑ Sunny's first time machine: Tubbo's VOD timestamp, 12.1.24
- ↑ Tubbo and Sunny timeline split: VOD timestamp, 3.4.24
- ↑ Sunny's Admin (Sunnieryans)'s TikTok, 5.8.24